Make a Vison or Blessing Board
Posted on November 26, 2020

I have been wanting to make a blessing board for awhile and even bought my girls these large science fair type display boards in hopes of doing this project together. However, who has space to display such large boards. In an effort to find a smaller backdrop I perused the aisle at the Dollar Tree and found the perfect sized sign that was already made to be hung. Anything would work but what could be better than a sturdy board ready to be hung for $1!
I knew that Ms. Anna and I were getting ready to go on a staff retreat and thought this would be the perfect activity to do to break up the work day. Plus, it has to do with learning more about yourself, setting goals, and focusing on being thankful all of which I wanted to accomplish during the retreat.
This is a very easy project to complete.
First, make a quick list of things that are most important to you (your hobbies, interests, things you love most, things you are passionate about, areas of life that you wish to focus more on, etc. We simply printed out, on copy paper, a photo to represent each of these things and highlighted them on our board.

Interestingly enough we both choose to highlight our spouses, families, and career goals. Great minds definitely think alike and when we put our heads together and combine strengths and ideas awesome things happen!
Other than the Dollar Tree Sign I didn’t purchase anything for this project. I just went through various stickers, craft and scrapbook supplies. I laid them all out and we choose what to use. Anna did varying shades of green while I choose turquoise and coral. If you are looking for cute items to use you can always find some using this sponsor link:

To transform the sign, we simply used a hot glue gun to glue scrapbook paper to the back of the sign (this actually made it into a twofer LOL so if we wanted we could still use the beach vibes side). You then have a solid background to build from.

After securing the background I like to cut out each picture and choose which embellishments and papers I want to use. I lay them all out to determine spacing and to coordinate colors, etc.

Use elmers glue, mod podge, or your glue gun to attach everything to the board. I especially tried to add texture and 3D items to mine to give it more depth and interest; make it more eye catching.

We were both pretty satisfied with our finished products and placed our vision/blessing boards by our desks at home.
Let us know your favorite parts of our boards. Please share pics of yours if you make one! We’d love to see them!